Thursday, May 16, 2019


They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Acts 2:42

Yesterday I had the chance to reconnect with friends and colleagues I haven't seen in some time.  It is this aspect of Sabbath rest that connects us to God and to one another.  Since the beginning God has saw fit that we are not alone.  There is a deep need for relationship both with God and with one another.  So reconnecting with friends over lunch, or playing trivia at a local pub, or staying up later than normal to discuss everything under the sun, indeed reconnects these relationships.  It also verifies for me a simple truth my friend Anthony told me while I was in New York; "If I didn't hear the voice of God through other people, I'm not sure how I would hear the voice of God."

Tom, Kelly, Eric, and Stepanie helped accomplish that for me yesterday by simply reconnecting with me, and taking the time to do such things.  There is an intentionality about this part of Sabbath.  Often times with time away from the normal demands of work I tend to fill that time with tasks.  The lawn needs mowed, house projects await, errands need to be run, and there is only so much time to do these things.  Intentionally connecting with the people in my life that bring God's voice into my life is lacking.  That needs to change.  That probably is not only true for me but you as well.  Who are the people you connect with that help you hear the voice of God in your life?

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